Organic Teas and Herbal Teas
PRODUCT TYPE: Infusiones Ecologicas
✓ The best ally to fight colds and respiratory viruses in a natural way.✓ Facilitates decongestion and cleanses the bronchi✓ 120g = 60 cups Thyme is the herb with the greatest disinfectant power and taken as an infusion can be...
PRODUCT TYPE: Tes Ecologicos
✓ One of China's most popular green teas✓ High in antioxidants and vitamin C✓ 100g = 50 cups Organic Lung Ching Dragon Well tea has beautiful emerald green leaves. Its infusion offers generous vegetal and spring flower fragrances, it also...
PRODUCT TYPE: Infusiones Ecologicas
✓ The best ally to fight colds and respiratory viruses in a natural way.✓ Facilitates decongestion and cleanses the bronchi✓ 120g = 60 cups Thyme is the herb with the greatest disinfectant power and taken as an infusion can be...
PRODUCT TYPE: Infusiones Ecologicas
✓ Natural infusion to drink during and after pregnancy✓ Only 100% organic raspberry leaf✓ 100g = 50 cups Known as the "woman's herb", it is famous for helping the mother during pregnancy by providing nutrients and strengthening the muscles of...
PRODUCT TYPE: Tes Ecologicos
✓✓The perfect breakfast companion✓✓ Delicious on its own, but even better with a little milk or lemon✓ 100g = 50 cups Would you like to start your day on the right foot? We have carefully selected the best organic black...
PRODUCT TYPE: Infusiones Ecologicas
✓ The best ally to fight colds and respiratory viruses in a natural way.✓ Facilitates decongestion and cleanses the bronchi✓ 120g = 60 cups Thyme is the herb with the greatest disinfectant power and taken as an infusion can be...
PRODUCT TYPE: Infusiones Ecologicas
✓ Creamy Madagascar Vanilla flavour✓ High antioxidant and 0 caffeine content✓ 90g = 45 cups You can drink this delicious organic herbal tea as much as you like as it is caffeine-free and contains only 100% natural ingredients. It combines...
PRODUCT TYPE: Infusiones Ecologicas
✓ Relaja y alivia el dolor de cabeza✓ 100% Flores de lavanda para infusión✓ 100g = 50 tazas RELAJACIÓN PROFUNDA: La infusión de lavanda calma la mente y reduce el estrés, ideal para prepararse para un descanso reparador. APOYO PARA EL...
PRODUCT TYPE: Infusiones Ecologicas
✓ Regula el colesterol y mejora la digestión✓ 100% Hojas de alcachofa trituradas para infusión✓ 100g = 50 tazas DIGESTIÓN MEJORADA: Facilita la digestión y ayuda a aliviar la pesadez estomacal después de comidas copiosas. RICO EN ANTIOXIDANTES: Ofrece un alto...
PRODUCT TYPE: Infusiones Ecologicas
✓ Relajante y digestiva✓ 100% Hojas de melisa✓ 100g = 50 tazas DIGESTIÓN SERENA: Nuestra infusión de melisa ecológica ofrece un apoyo natural para una digestión tranquila y alivio de molestias estomacales. HOJAS DE MELISA PURAS: Disfruta de las hojas de melisa de alta...
PRODUCT TYPE: Infusiones Ecologicas
✓ Relajante y digestiva✓ 100% Hojas de salvia trituradas para infusión✓ 100g = 50 tazas PROMUEVE LA DIGESTIÓN: La infusión de salvia ayuda a calmar el malestar estomacal y favorece la digestión. PROPIEDADES RELAJANTES: Conocida por sus propiedades relajantes, la salvia ayuda...
PRODUCT TYPE: Infusiones Ecologicas
✓ Relajante y digestiva✓ 100% Hojas y flores de auténtica tila✓ 100g = 50 tazas RELAJACIÓN Y CALMA: La tila es reconocida por sus propiedades sedantes que ayudan a reducir el estrés y promover una relajación profunda. MEJORA DEL SUEÑO: Consumir una...
PRODUCT TYPE: Infusiones Ecologicas
✓ Infusión natural digestiva y relajante✓ Solo hoja de hierbabuena 100% ecológica✓ 100g = 50 tazas FRESCURA INMEDIATA: La hierbabuena proporciona un sabor fresco y mentolado que revitaliza y refresca al instante. DIGESTIÓN MEJORADA: Alivia problemas digestivos como la hinchazón, los gases y...
PRODUCT TYPE: Tes Ecologicos
✓ Japanese Sencha green tea, toasted rice and popcorn✓ Delicate roasted aroma and mild green tea taste✓ 100g = 50 cups In ancient Japan, tea was a luxury item, which is why farmers mixed green tea with toasted rice (much...
PRODUCT TYPE: Infusiones Ecologicas
✓ Suave efecto calmante y digestivo✓ 100% Flores de caléndula para infusión✓ 100g = 50 tazas PODER ANTIINFLAMATORIO: La caléndula es reconocida por sus propiedades antiinflamatorias que ayudan a aliviar irritaciones y dolencias de la piel. APOYO DIGESTIVO: Estimula una digestión...
PRODUCT TYPE: Infusiones Ecologicas
✓ Mejora el sueño y alivia la ansiedad✓ 100% Hojas y tallos de pasiflora ecológica para infusión✓ 100g = 50 tazas PROPIEDADES RELAJANTES: ayuda a reducir el estrés y la ansiedad, promoviendo un estado de calma natural gracias a las propiedades...
PRODUCT TYPE: Infusiones Ecologicas
✓ Alivio de resfriados y digestiones pesadas✓ 100% Flores y hojas de malva para infusión✓ 100g = 50 tazas ALIVIO DE LA CONGESTIÓN: La malva ayuda a suavizar las vías respiratorias, ideal para aliviar la tos y otros síntomas de resfriados....
PRODUCT TYPE: Tes Ecologicos
✓ Regarded as the Champagne of black teas✓ Floral aroma and fruity flavour with muscatel notes✓ 100g = 50 cups Our exquisite organic Darjeeling First Flush black tea combines the fresh, invigorating and herbaceous qualities of tea leaves from this...
PRODUCT TYPE: Infusiones Ecologicas
✓ Mejora la digestión y muy nutritivo✓ 100% Semillas de Fenogreco Ecológicas✓ 100g = 50 tazas APOYO A LA DIGESTIÓN: mejora la digestión al estimular la producción de enzimas, aliviando malestares estomacales y promoviendo una digestión saludable. REGULACIÓN DEL AZÚCAR EN...
PRODUCT TYPE: Infusiones Ecologicas
✓ Laxante natural y evita la retención de líquidos✓ 100% Hojas de sen trituradas para infusión✓ 100g = 50 tazas REGULARIDAD DEL TRÁNSITO INTESTINAL: las hojas de sen son conocidas por sus propiedades laxantes naturales que ayudan a promover la regularidad...
PRODUCT TYPE: Infusiones Ecologicas
RELAJANTE Y LIBRE DE CAFEÍNA: El Té Rooibos verde es naturalmente libre de cafeína, lo que lo convierte en una opción ideal para disfrutar en cualquier momento del día sin interferir en el sueño y promoviendo la relajación. RICO EN...
PRODUCT TYPE: Tes Ecologicos
✓ Delicioso sabor tostado✓ Muy bajo contenido en teína✓ 100g = 50 tazas UNO DE LOS CLÁSICOS JAPONESES: El hojicha es uno de los tés más consumidos en Japón, donde se toma a diario y se sirve habitualmente después del almuerzo. DELICIOSO CALIENTE Y...
PRODUCT TYPE: Infusiones Ecologicas
✓ rich in oleuropein, which strengthens the immune system✓ Delicious infusion to drink hot or cold✓ 100g = 50 cups You can drink this delicious organic herbal tea as much as you like as it is caffeine-free and contains only...
PRODUCT TYPE: Infusiones Ecologicas
✓ Revitalizante natural✓ Promueve una digestión saludable✓ 200g = 100 tazas APOYO A LA DIGESTIÓN: promueve una digestión saludable, aliviando malestares estomacales y ayudando en la absorción de nutrientes. FUENTE NATURAL DE ENERGÍA: revitaliza de forma natural, ayudando a combatir...
Let customers speak for us
Organic Teas and Herbal Teas
Discover our selection of organic teas and infusions. At Replantea we exclusively select organic teas and organic herbs from the best plantations in the world. This way we ensure that only the best ingredients, free of pesticides, sugars and other chemicals, are delivered to your cup.
What are organic teas?
Organic teas are teas where no chemicals such as pesticides, herbicides, fungicides or chemical fertilisers have been used to grow or process the tea leaves. Instead, farmers use natural processes to control their crops in a sustainable way.
By contrast, in conventional tea cultivation, farmers use different types of chemicals to increase the volume of the crop. Drinking tea grown with pesticides and processed with other harmful substances can lead to numerous health problems.
At Replantea we firmly believe that organic tea should be a combination of tea leaves, herbs, fruits, spices and natural flavourings. Ensuring that each of these ingredients is organic is what makes our teas truly organic.
Why drink organic teas?
- Organic tea is healthier: every year, new studies show the toxicity of synthetic pesticides to human health. At Replantea we think it is much better to enjoy the benefits of tea without the harmful effects of pesticides and other chemicals.
- Organic tea is better for farmers: some of the biggest people harmed by the use of chemicals during cultivation are the farmers themselves. It is common to see farm workers in India, Sri Lanka or China spraying their crops without using adequate protection. Wouldn't it be better for them not to use these harmful chemicals that damage the land they work and live on? At Replantea we think so and this is another reason why we only use organic ingredients in the production of our organic teas.
- Organic tea is better for the environment: Did you know that conventionally grown tea is one of the most environmentally devastating crops? As the crops are grown at high altitudes, the chemicals applied on the farms, as well as damaging the local ecosystem, wreak havoc by being washed downstream, contaminating the soil and water of other areas at lower altitudes, even reaching the sea.
- Organic tea tastes better: The chemicals used in the cultivation of conventional teas dry on the tea leaves and can find their way into your cup. This can affect your health, but also the natural flavour of each tea. Replantea's organic teas preserve the authentic natural flavour of the tea.
Certified Organic Teas
Many shops will offer you organic teas, but in order to do so they must be certified as such by an official certifying agency. This is the only guarantee that you really are buying organic teas.
At Replantea we have two organic seals that certify that our teas have been grown and processed naturally, without the use of pesticides or chemical fertilisers: on the one hand we have the organic seal awarded by the CAAE through its Andalusia department and on the other hand the European Union Organic Logo.
Infusiones por Funcionalidad
Infusiones Adelgazantes Infusiones Antioxidantes Infusiones Digestivas Infusiones Relajantes Infusiones para el Resfriado Infusiones para el Colesterol Infusiones para Embarazadas Infusiones Ayurvédicas
Infusiones por Ingrediente
Infusiones de Jengibre Infusiones de Manzanilla Infusiones de Hinojo Infusiones de Menta Infusiones de Anís Infusiones con Hierba Limón Infusiones con Mate Infusiones con Cúrcuma Infusiones con Ortiga Infusiones con Rooibos Infusiones con Regaliz Infusiones con Lavanda Infusiones con Hoja de Olivo Infusiones con Diente de León Infusiones con Cardo Mariano Infusiones con Hibisco
Tés por Variedad
Té Verde Ecológico Té Matcha Ecológico Té Negro Ecológico Té Rojo Pu Erh Ecológico Té Blanco Ecológico Té Azul Oolong Ecológico Té Chai Ecológico Té Rooibos Ecológico
Accesorios para Té
Accesorios para Matcha Tazas para Té Latas para Té Termos para Té Accesorios para Té a Granel
Envío Gratis.
España peninsular +29€. Islas Baleares y Portugal +39€.
Pago Seguro Garantizado.
Puedes pagar con Bizum, Tarjeta o Paypal. Con cifrado SSL.
Garantía Ecológica.
Todos nuestros tés e infusiones cuentan con certificado ecológico.