Organic Herbal Teas
PRODUCT TYPE: Infusiones Ecologicas
✓ The best ally to fight colds and respiratory viruses in a natural way.✓ Facilitates decongestion and cleanses the bronchi✓ 120g = 60 cups Thyme is the herb with the greatest disinfectant power and taken as an infusion can be...
PRODUCT TYPE: Infusiones Ecologicas
✓ Natural infusion to drink during and after pregnancy✓ Only 100% organic raspberry leaf✓ 100g = 50 cups Known as the "woman's herb", it is famous for helping the mother during pregnancy by providing nutrients and strengthening the muscles of...
PRODUCT TYPE: Infusiones Ecologicas
✓ Natural infusion to drink during and after pregnancy✓ Only 100% organic raspberry leaf✓ 100g = 50 cups Known as the "woman's herb", it is famous for helping the mother during pregnancy by providing nutrients and strengthening the muscles of...
PRODUCT TYPE: Infusiones Ecologicas
✓ The best ally to fight colds and respiratory viruses in a natural way.✓ Facilitates decongestion and cleanses the bronchi✓ 120g = 60 cups Thyme is the herb with the greatest disinfectant power and taken as an infusion can be...
PRODUCT TYPE: Infusiones Ecologicas
✓ The best ally to fight colds and respiratory viruses in a natural way.✓ Facilitates decongestion and cleanses the bronchi✓ 120g = 60 cups Thyme is the herb with the greatest disinfectant power and taken as an infusion can be...
PRODUCT TYPE: Infusiones Ecologicas
✓ The best ally to fight colds and respiratory viruses in a natural way.✓ Facilitates decongestion and cleanses the bronchi✓ 120g = 60 cups Thyme is the herb with the greatest disinfectant power and taken as an infusion can be...
PRODUCT TYPE: Infusiones Ecologicas
✓ The best ally to fight colds and respiratory viruses in a natural way.✓ Facilitates decongestion and cleanses the bronchi✓ 120g = 60 cups Thyme is the herb with the greatest disinfectant power and taken as an infusion can be...
PRODUCT TYPE: Infusiones Ecologicas
✓ Creamy Madagascar Vanilla flavour✓ High antioxidant and 0 caffeine content✓ 90g = 45 cups You can drink this delicious organic herbal tea as much as you like as it is caffeine-free and contains only 100% natural ingredients. It combines...
PRODUCT TYPE: Infusiones Ecologicas
✓ The best ally to fight colds and respiratory viruses in a natural way.✓ Facilitates decongestion and cleanses the bronchi✓ 120g = 60 cups Thyme is the herb with the greatest disinfectant power and taken as an infusion can be...
PRODUCT TYPE: Infusiones Ecologicas
✓ The best ally to fight colds and respiratory viruses in a natural way.✓ Facilitates decongestion and cleanses the bronchi✓ 120g = 60 cups Thyme is the herb with the greatest disinfectant power and taken as an infusion can be...
PRODUCT TYPE: Infusiones Ecologicas
✓ Relajante y digestiva✓ 100% Hojas de melisa✓ 100g = 50 tazas DIGESTIÓN SERENA: Nuestra infusión de melisa ecológica ofrece un apoyo natural para una digestión tranquila y alivio de molestias estomacales. HOJAS DE MELISA PURAS: Disfruta de las hojas de melisa de alta...
PRODUCT TYPE: Infusiones Ecologicas
✓ Relajante y digestiva✓ 100% Hojas de salvia trituradas para infusión✓ 100g = 50 tazas PROMUEVE LA DIGESTIÓN: La infusión de salvia ayuda a calmar el malestar estomacal y favorece la digestión. PROPIEDADES RELAJANTES: Conocida por sus propiedades relajantes, la salvia ayuda...
PRODUCT TYPE: Infusiones Ecologicas
✓ Regula el colesterol y mejora la digestión✓ 100% Hojas de alcachofa trituradas para infusión✓ 100g = 50 tazas DIGESTIÓN MEJORADA: Facilita la digestión y ayuda a aliviar la pesadez estomacal después de comidas copiosas. RICO EN ANTIOXIDANTES: Ofrece un alto...
PRODUCT TYPE: Infusiones Ecologicas
RELAJANTE Y LIBRE DE CAFEÍNA: El Té Rooibos verde es naturalmente libre de cafeína, lo que lo convierte en una opción ideal para disfrutar en cualquier momento del día sin interferir en el sueño y promoviendo la relajación. RICO EN...
PRODUCT TYPE: Infusiones Ecologicas
✓ Suave efecto calmante y digestivo✓ 100% Flores de caléndula para infusión✓ 100g = 50 tazas PODER ANTIINFLAMATORIO: La caléndula es reconocida por sus propiedades antiinflamatorias que ayudan a aliviar irritaciones y dolencias de la piel. APOYO DIGESTIVO: Estimula una digestión...
PRODUCT TYPE: Infusiones Ecologicas
✓ Alivio de resfriados y digestiones pesadas✓ 100% Flores y hojas de malva para infusión✓ 100g = 50 tazas ALIVIO DE LA CONGESTIÓN: La malva ayuda a suavizar las vías respiratorias, ideal para aliviar la tos y otros síntomas de resfriados....
PRODUCT TYPE: Infusiones Ecologicas
✓ Infusión natural digestiva y relajante✓ Solo hoja de hierbabuena 100% ecológica✓ 100g = 50 tazas FRESCURA INMEDIATA: La hierbabuena proporciona un sabor fresco y mentolado que revitaliza y refresca al instante. DIGESTIÓN MEJORADA: Alivia problemas digestivos como la hinchazón, los gases y...
PRODUCT TYPE: Infusiones Ecologicas
✓ Relaja y alivia el dolor de cabeza✓ 100% Flores de lavanda para infusión✓ 100g = 50 tazas RELAJACIÓN PROFUNDA: La infusión de lavanda calma la mente y reduce el estrés, ideal para prepararse para un descanso reparador. APOYO PARA EL...
PRODUCT TYPE: Infusiones Ecologicas
✓ Relajante y digestiva✓ 100% Hojas y flores de auténtica tila✓ 100g = 50 tazas RELAJACIÓN Y CALMA: La tila es reconocida por sus propiedades sedantes que ayudan a reducir el estrés y promover una relajación profunda. MEJORA DEL SUEÑO: Consumir una...
PRODUCT TYPE: Infusiones Ecologicas
✓ The best ally to fight colds and respiratory viruses in a natural way.✓ Facilitates decongestion and cleanses the bronchi✓ 120g = 60 cups Thyme is the herb with the greatest disinfectant power and taken as an infusion can be...
PRODUCT TYPE: Infusiones Ecologicas
✓ The best ally to fight colds and respiratory viruses in a natural way.✓ Facilitates decongestion and cleanses the bronchi✓ 120g = 60 cups Thyme is the herb with the greatest disinfectant power and taken as an infusion can be...
PRODUCT TYPE: Infusiones Ecologicas
✓ Laxante natural y evita la retención de líquidos✓ 100% Hojas de sen trituradas para infusión✓ 100g = 50 tazas REGULARIDAD DEL TRÁNSITO INTESTINAL: las hojas de sen son conocidas por sus propiedades laxantes naturales que ayudan a promover la regularidad...
PRODUCT TYPE: Infusiones Ecologicas
✓ rich in oleuropein, which strengthens the immune system✓ Delicious infusion to drink hot or cold✓ 100g = 50 cups You can drink this delicious organic herbal tea as much as you like as it is caffeine-free and contains only...
PRODUCT TYPE: Infusiones Ecologicas
✓ Delicioso Rooibos con refrescante toque de cereza✓ Alto contenido en antioxidantes y 0 cafeína✓ 100g = 50 tazas Puedes beber esta deliciosa infusión ecológica todo lo quieras ya que no contiene cafeína y solo contiene ingredientes 100% naturales. Combina rooibos ecológico...
Let customers speak for us
Organic Herbal Teas
What are infusions?
Infusions or tisanes are teas made from the leaves, seeds, flowers, roots or fruits of all plants with the exception of the Camellia sinensis plant, as the leaves of this plant are used to make the so-called true teas: green tea, black tea, white tea, oolong tea and red tea. The infusions have been used as home remedies for thousands of years.
Before the invention of modern medicine, herbs and seeds were used to treat everything from infections to rashes and fevers. Although many of them have been around for hundreds, if not thousands of years, some still need more research to prove their benefits. However, one thing is for sure: herbal teas have been deeply ingrained in our lives, and are often much more than just herbal remedies.
Benefits of herbal teas
It's no secret that tea is a popular choice for people who want to improve their health naturally. Unlike coffee and regular teas, most herbal teas do not contain caffeine or theine. They also contain nutrients, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that vary depending on the herbal blend.
The typical health benefits of herbal tea consumption are relaxation, pain reduction and improvement of body systems such as the digestive and immune systems. Here are the main health benefits of drinking herbal teas:
- Relaxation: herbal teas are a natural and safe alternative to help combat stress and anxiety. The relaxing properties of herbal teas can also help with sleep disorders such as insomnia. Some herbs with great relaxing properties are peppermint, chamomile, lemon balm or lavender.
- Strengthens the immune system: Even people who do not drink herbal teas regularly are aware of the positive effects they offer in terms of immunity. That is why most of us choose to drink a hot cup when we feel unwell. Herbs such as nettle, thyme, fennel and olive leaf have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that boost the immune system.
- Reducing pain: Like the common cold and flu, pain is often treated with drugs, which can have adverse side effects. In contrast, many herbal teas have properties that can help reduce pain without the negative side effects. Although research is still ongoing, studies show that ingredients such as nettle, ginger and turmeric can help mitigate aches and pains.
- Helps prevent chronic diseases: Herbal teas are often high in antioxidants, which work to scavenge free radicals throughout the body and prevent oxidative stress. Ingredients such as rooibos, ginger, blueberries, turmeric and olive leaf have a high concentration of antioxidants that have been shown to help prevent brain deterioration, osteoporosis and heart disease.
- Improves digestion: Infusions are beneficial to the digestive system as they can absorb gas, improve blood flow in the digestive tract, reduce inflammation and prevent indigestion. Infusions contain phenols, which can strengthen the muscles of the stomach and oesophagus, helping to reduce acid reflux and heartburn symptoms. Herbs such as fennel, peppermint, cumin, chamomile and anise are great allies of digestive health.
- Stimulates brain function: Drinking herbal teas regularly improves brain function by increasing blood flow to the brain, thus providing it with the nutrients and oxygen essential for a healthy mind. Ginger and lemon balm help to increase blood flow and stimulate the enzymes and receptors that control and emit nerve signals.
- Contains 0 calories: Infusions are a more flavourful and aromatic alternative to water, and like water, have no calories. So they are a great drink to keep us hydrated throughout the day, while at the same time benefiting from all their positive properties for our health.
Why organic herbal teas?
Did you know that most of the ingredients that make up the infusions are picked from the plant and dried, without going through a washing process? This means that the first time these ingredients are washed is in your cup. In addition, many of these ingredients are grown in countries where pesticides and fertilisers are not as strictly controlled as they are in the EU and Spain.
Infusiones por Funcionalidad
Infusiones Adelgazantes Infusiones Antioxidantes Infusiones Digestivas Infusiones Relajantes Infusiones para el Resfriado Infusiones para el Colesterol Infusiones para Embarazadas Infusiones Ayurvédicas
Infusiones por Ingrediente
Infusiones de Jengibre Infusiones de Manzanilla Infusiones de Hinojo Infusiones de Menta Infusiones de Anís Infusiones con Hierba Limón Infusiones con Mate Infusiones con Cúrcuma Infusiones con Ortiga Infusiones con Rooibos Infusiones con Regaliz Infusiones con Lavanda Infusiones con Hoja de Olivo Infusiones con Diente de León Infusiones con Cardo Mariano Infusiones con Hibisco
Tés por Variedad
Té Verde Ecológico Té Matcha Ecológico Té Negro Ecológico Té Rojo Pu Erh Ecológico Té Blanco Ecológico Té Azul Oolong Ecológico Té Chai Ecológico Té Rooibos Ecológico
Accesorios para Té
Accesorios para Matcha Tazas para Té Latas para Té Termos para Té Accesorios para Té a Granel
Envío Gratis.
España peninsular +25€. Islas Baleares y Portugal +35€.
Pago Seguro Garantizado.
Puedes pagar con Bizum, Tarjeta o Paypal. Con cifrado SSL.
Garantía Ecológica.
Todos nuestros tés e infusiones cuentan con certificado ecológico.